Aviation Travel Analysis

Understanding Your Private Jet Travel Needs

Guardian Jet's Aviation Financial Analyst talking travel analysis

Importance of Travel Analysis

Flight Department Director:
Do you run a flight department and need to understand if you operate with the right mix and number of aircraft? Perhaps you’re thinking of acquiring a new jet, or replacing one within the next one to five years? 

Charter or Fractional User:
Or, are you flying with a fractional company, or on a jet membership card? The goal of the Travel Analysis is to help you review your travel needs and answer such questions as: Where do you fly? How often? And at what cost? 

Guardian Jet’s Travel Analysis will help you understand and formulate the right mix of flexible and cost effective travel solutions to meet your needs and your budget. 

Request Travel Analysis

Components of an Aviation Travel Analysis






Total flight time and legs flown

Total days aircraft were in use and/or available

Number of aircraft types flown and/or needed

Number of aircraft needed per day

Passenger load factors

Flight ranges (including tech stop analysis)

Breakdown of mission by aircraft (model, type, etc.)

Additional breakdowns by domestic vs. international, business units, etc. (if you track it we can analyze it)

Mapping of historic utilization (heat maps and route maps)

Top passengers

Common trip destinations (airport, city, state, country, region, etc.)

Common trip origins

Frequent city pairs

Shuttle analysis (additional cost for airline analysis)

Aircraft basing analysis


Positioning analysis


Maintenance down time analysis


Supplemental lift analysis (around down time, days with multiple aircraft needed, meeting origins away from base, etc.)


Denied trips


Analysis of conversion from charter and fractional use to owned aircraft (which trips would make sense to carry on an owned aircraft and which trips would not)


Inquire about a Travel Analysis Today!

Call us at +1 203-453-0800. Or, complete this form and a Guardian Jet senior consultant will contact you.


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