Jet Aircraft Budget Projection

Get a budget projection based on a cash purchase this year.

Guardian Jet is available to help you generate custom cash flows based on your individual requirements. Please contact us.

Terms and Conditions: This website and these budget projections are intended for the sole use of Guardian Jet customers and Prospects. Please expect a phone call from a Guardian Jet representative to discuss any needs you have beyond this budget projection.

Step 1 of 2: General information

Please provide your name and your email address and we will email a link to your cash flow to you. This typically takes less than 5 minutes.

If you do not receive your report, please check your junk mail folder, and whitelist




Email Address


General Assumptions

*For percents, such as 1.5%, please enter as 1.5, not .015.


Purchase Price

Sales Tax %

Income Tax %

After Tax (USA)     Pretax

Net Present Value %

Depreciation Type (for Tax)

Annual Inflation %

Business Use %